Connect for the CURE

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 8: Open Road


kellie said...

You boys never fail to provide exceptional entertainment. LOVE IT!

Nate: shave your facial hair.

Tobin said...

Nate this is awesome! I can't believe that video was just about entering Utah.. It looks like it could've been covering the whole 2 months' worth of memories and experiences! You're gonna have enough footage by the end of the trip to make a 50 hour documentary haha

N8s Pop said...

Yea! Johnny Cash and Gods Wide Open Country!! We all loved it here in Azusa!!! God Bless You All:)

Connect for the CURE said...

thanks tobs. gagne came up with the concept as we were driving to our hotel for the night. the wheels in his head are always turning. and then we made it happen.
we posted the same video on the website in a higher resolution just now so now you all might be able to see it better.
kellie im like sampson i lose my strength if i were to shave the beard. johnny cash never fails on the open road whether it be I've Been Everywhere on Walk The Line (which was our original song: Insider scoop behind the scenes with connectfortheCURE. )

chris said...

Love the Video Blog...You guys are doing awesome!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Psalm 111:2 "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them."

Dorene said...

GREAT video. Love the adventure, makes me feel a little like being with you guys. You 4 are always in our prayers. Can't wait till the next one. Keep strong. May God continue to give you the power and energy to keep enduring.

Ilene said...

I love it. Can't wait to read more